Outcast: Second Contact for PlayStation 4


890 ฿

1,590 ฿

  • ราคาในคะแนนสะสม:1590
  • 2 หรือมากกว่า 890 ฿
  • ผู้จัดจำหน่าย:Maximum Family Games
  • ผู้ผลิต:
  • รหัสสินค้า:13957
  • SKU:C814290013998
  • สถานะสินค้า: สินค้าพร้อมส่งใน 24 ชม


The fates of two worlds rely on you!

Outcast – Second Contact is the remake of the legendary action-adventure game that paved the way for all modern 3D open-world video games, winning over 100 awards including Adventure Game of the Year. You are Cutter Slade, a former Navy SEAL notorious for your skills…and your heated temper. Pulled out of retirement after a series of bizarre events involving a newly discovered parallel universe, you are sent on a mission to save the Earth from total destruction. Travel to an alien world, earn the trust of its intelligent inhabitants and uncover the secrets to an advanced civilization that could threaten life as we know it.


further info

Official Release Date  Nov 14, 2017
Genre  Adventure
PAX-Code PAX0008994326
Catalog No.  2102528
Item Code  814290013998
Players  1


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