Xenoblade Chronicles 3


1,589 ฿

1,589 ฿

  • ราคาในคะแนนสะสม:1457
  • ผู้จัดจำหน่าย:Nintendo
  • ผู้ผลิต:
  • รหัสสินค้า:31722
  • SKU:C4711279510058
  • สถานะสินค้า: สินค้าพร้อมส่งใน 24 ชม



A vast world awaits in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, the next game in the acclaimed RPG series from developer MONOLITHSOFT. Players will step into the roles of protagonists Noah and Mio amid turmoil between the hostile nations of Keves and Agnus. Six characters hailing from those nations will take part in a grand tale with “life” as its central theme. Explore a new world that will connect the futures of both Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Please note:This is an official Nintendo product packaged for U.A.E., Malaysia and Singapore.


further info

Official Release Date  Jul 29, 2022
Language  Japanese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Genre  Action RPG
Version  Asia
Catalog No.  709505
Item Code  045496598280
Players  1


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