Pikmin 3 [Deluxe Edition] for Nintendo Switch

2,290 ฿

  • ราคาในคะแนนสะสม:2290
  • ผู้จัดจำหน่าย:Nintendo
  • ผู้ผลิต:
  • รหัสสินค้า:35510
  • SKU:C045496423070
  • สถานะสินค้า: สินค้าหมดชั่วคราว กรุณาสอบถามก่อนการชำระเงิน



Tiny creatures on a big adventure!

Grow a squad of adorable, plantlike Pikmin to traverse a strange world and save your planet

Command a capable crop of different types of Pikmin™to strategically overcome obstacles, defeat creatures, and find food for your famished home planet! You can even bring a second player along to divvy up tasks as you explore a world that seems larger than life from a pint-sized perspective.

Pikmin at your pace

Return to your ship before time runs out, or you (and your Pikmin) could be in big trouble. If you prefer a more casual approach, a variety of difficulty settings, lock-on targeting, and optional hints have been newly added. With less pressure, you have more time to strategically command your Pikmin and take in the lush scenery.

Pikmin 3 [Deluxe Edition] includes:

- New side-story missions featuring Olimar and Louie
- The ability to play Story mode with a friend
- All DLC stages from the original release

*While supply last


further info

Official Release Date  Oct 30, 2020
Genre  Real Time Strategy
Version  Europe
  PEGI 3
PAX-Code PAX0010830972
Item Code  045496423070
Players  1-2


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