Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai


1,780 ฿

1,544 ฿

  • ราคาในคะแนนสะสม:1544
  • 2 หรือมากกว่า 1,780 ฿
  • ผู้จัดจำหน่าย:Square Enix
  • ผู้ผลิต:
  • รหัสสินค้า:35432
  • SKU:C4988601011587
  • สถานะสินค้า: สินค้าพร้อมส่งใน 24 ชม



Embark on an extraordinary journey as Dai, the young hero with incredible powers, and his friends, as they set out to save the world from the forces of darkness. With stunning visuals and a captivating storyline, Infinity Strash brings the world of Dragon Quest to life like never before. Explore diverse landscapes, encounter memorable characters, and engage in thrilling battles as you uncover the secrets of the Dark King and his minions.


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